Labels: JerseyShore

a 3.5 Trillion dollar Budget??
"Look what they've done to my party, Ma
Look what they've done to my party
Most of the time they were close to right
And now they're just all wrong, Ma
Look what they've done to my party
Look what they've done to Mr Jefferson, Ma
Look what they've done in his name
Well they twisted it and turned it
Like they're all insane, Ma
Look what they've done to my party
I wish I could fix the party I am in
Wish I could find a good fix
Well, if I just could find a real good fix
I'd never have to come out and look at
What they've done to my party
But maybe it'll all be all right, Ma
Maybe it'll all be OK
If the people don’t buy the fears
And Pelosi - Reid go away some day, Ma
Look what they've done to my party
Look what they've done to my party, Ma
Look what they've done to my party, Ma
Well they tied it up in a socialist bag
And turned it upside down, Ma
Look what they've done to my party
Look what they've done to my party, Ma
Look what they've done to my party
Most of the time they were only half right
And now they're just all wrong, Ma"
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